Tag Archives: Logan Middle School

This is America now: Eighth grader facing a year in prison for wearing gun rights T-shirt to school


gun rights(NaturalNews) It’s bad enough the micromanagers of the Nanny State want to strip you of your Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms, now they want to take away your right to even talk about it.

In essence, that is the issue at the heart of a case involving an eighth-grade student from West Virginia who was suspended from school – then arrested – for refusing to take off a t-shirt supportive of the National Rifle Association.

“What they’re trying to do is take away my rights, my freedom of speech and my Second Amendment,” said 14-year-old Jared Marcum, when he was initially suspended from Logan Middle School in Logan, W. Va., in April.

‘This is about fundamental rights’

Following his suspension he was arrested for “obstruction and disturbing of education process,” whatever that means. Reports said officers even considered – now get this – charging him with making terrorist threats. Now young Marcum, who has no prior criminal record and is a model student, faces a year in jail and a $500 fine – just for wearing a pro-NRA tee-shirt that included a picture of a semi-automatic, military-style look-alike rifle.

The way the school handled it – from the demand young Marcum change his shirt to his suspension – was the epitome of cowardice. According to Breitbart News:
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