Tag Archives: severe depression

Marijuana: A Cure For Cancer?

Marijuana: A Cure For Cancer?

Wednesday, April 24, 2013
By: Chris Sumbs

(NaturalNews) If you’re over 21, marijuana is legal to smoke and have in possession (under 1 ounce) here in the state of Washington. Many users do so for the effects the THC found in marijuana has on the body. THC is the substance in marijuana that gets you “felling high”. But recently, through some breakthrough research, studies have shown that the substance Cannabidiol (CBD), also found in marijuana, has the potential to be a game changer in the fight against cancer.

Here in Seattle, medical marijuana is primarily prescribed to help terminally ill patients and those receiving painful medical treatments to help deal with the pain. It is also prescribed for people with high levels of anxiety or severe depression. But, new research being done has shown more than just pain relieving or mood enhancing effects; it could help to treat and – even better – reverse cancer.

The evidence

Studies were recently completed by the California Pacific Medical Center in the San Francisco Bay area. The compound CBD was tested on animals with cancer as an alternative treatment. They found there was a disruption in the growth of tumors cells.

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