Tag Archives: liver

Why You Should Have A Little Dark Chocolate Every Day

FEBRUARY 28, 2014 5:35 AM EST

Do you ever feel like health advice has bipolar disorder or at the very least, mood swings? One day margarine is going to save your heart and then we find out that the hydrogenated oils in margarine have been harming your heart for years.

Ah, right. Sorry about the heart disease.

Here’s another from our official dietary advice. “You have got to drink at least eight, 8-ounce glasses of water every day.” I’ve heard that called hateful drinking because sucking back eight swimming pools of water just makes you grumpy. And it turns out there’s no scientific evidence that everyone needs to heed this advice.

As the bearer of good news though, let me tell you that the Olympic back-flipping also applies to the evil saturated fats in chocolate. We were told that these Voldemort villains were heart stoppers. But, now we part our hair on the side and not in the middle, and all saturated fats aren’t all bad for you all the time.

Like most bad guys, they’re just misunderstood. And chocolate’s supposedly-offending sat fats turn out to be heart healthy. They come from a bean, which grows right on a tree, and that should have been clue number 1, but let’s just do the math here. Read the rest of this entry

5 Natural Ways To Balance Your Hormones

By Melanie St. Ours
April 24, 2013 7:37 AM EDT
Many of my clients come to me with the same story: “My doctor says my test results are normal—but I still feel like my hormones are out-of-whack. Can herbs help?”

Their symptoms vary. One woman might have painfully swollen pimples. Another has menstrual cramps that keep her home from work, while another has scanty periods that are more like brown spotting than the menstrual cycles she used to have.
Even though the recommendations I give each client are different depending on her unique body type and situations, the gist of my answer is always the same: you’re not crazy, and yes, herbs can help.
If you’re struggling with your own hormonal balance, I want to tell you the same thing. Trust your intuition, and know that herbs (and healing foods) can really help.
So if you find yourself wondering about how to give your own hormones a helping hand, I have some easy tips for you to try:
1. Remove hormone-disrupting chemicals from your food, water, and environment. 
Buy organic whenever possible and always avoid “The Dirty Dozen” unless you purchase the organic varieties. Use a filtration system for your water. Avoid BPA and pthalates.
2. Feed your liver. 

Why Do We Allow Pesticides In Baby Formula?



Posted Friday, May 31, 2013 By: Elisha McFarland

(NaturalNews) It has been established that infant formula increases the risk of severe, debilitating and even fatal childhood diseases through a wide range of epidemiological studies. Is it really any wonder when we allow chemicals such as Cupric sulfate a known pesticide, herbicide and fungicide in baby and infant formulas? (1,4,5,6,7)

What is cupric sulfate?

Cupric sulfate is an inorganic salt which is widely used in industry, agriculture, and veterinary medicine. (2) Cupric sulfate is also used in copperplating, in dyeing (as a mordant), in wet-cell batteries, in pigments, and algicides. (1). So what in the world is this doing in baby formula? This chemical is listed plainly on the ingredient label of many prominent baby food formulas, including Enfamil (3, 4), Similac , (5), and Earth’s Best Organic (6). You can even find it in Centrum and One-a-Day vitamins. Research has identified a link between cupric sulfate and many negative conditions such as arsenic poisoning, DNA damage, heavy metal toxicity and mercury poisoning. Much of this research dates as far back as 1991, so why are companies still allowing this chemical in consumer products, and notably in baby formulas?

What’s the risk?

The following information is taken directly from the MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) for Cupric Sulfate:

Section 3: Hazards Identification, of the Material Safety Data Sheet for cupric sulfate show Potential Acute Health Effects: Hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant), of eye contact (irritant), of ingestion, of inhalation. Potential Chronic Health Effects: CARCINOGENIC EFFECTS: Not available. MUTAGENIC EFFECTS: Mutagenic for mammalian somatic cells. TERATOGENIC EFFECTS: Not available. DEVELOPMENTAL TOXICITY: Not available. The substance may be toxic to kidneys, liver. Repeated or prolonged exposure to the substance can produce target organs damage. (7) Read the rest of this entry