Category Archives: Monsanto

Genes Are Not The Problem, It’s The Food Genius


Flickr-burger-meshmar2Karen Foster, Prevent Disease
Waking Times

Two-thirds of disease would vanish if society could revert to the way it did certain things just 100 years ago. The emphasis on faulty genes is misplaced and a misguided attempt to cast blame on a culture that has lost its way in terms of survival. Genes are not the problem since their products are largely dependent on lifestyle choices. Our quality of food, activity levels and family structure is essentially killing this generation of human beings.

Our food supply has been completely adulterated over the past few decades alone, more drastically than during any other time in history. Although our genes have hardly changed, our culture has been transformed almost beyond recognition during the past ten thousand years, especially in the last century. We have strayed so far from our ancestral diets and lifestyles that the human metabolism has been unable to adapt and modern diseases have flourished.

Food is the raw material for our cells and even our very thoughts could not have arisen without these building blocks. Food even controls the very expression of our genes. We are connected to our food and where it comes from in ways that we have not yet fathomed. The ‘prophylactic’ removal of of body parts due to what is considered faulty genes is a disturbingly popular trend, and despite the lack of scientific evidence for the effectiveness of this approach, it is increasingly being celebrated in the mainstream media and medical establishments as a reasonable choice. But genes are not the problem…it’s the food! Read the rest of this entry

Is Outrage Over the Monsanto Protection Act a Turning Point for the Food Movement?


monsanto-GMO-cornMichele Simon, Guest
Waking Times 

In March, when I first wrote about how the biotech rider—called the Monsanto Protection Act by its vocal opponents—undercut the constitutional concept of separation of powers, it seemed hardly anyone (other than the usual advocacy groups) was paying attention. But then a lot of people got mad, really mad.

Within a few short weeks the issue exploded in the mainstream media, with the surest sign the issue had hit the big time being (what else?) coverage by The Daily Show (hilariously entitled, “You Stuck What Where?”). Another indication was outrage even from a Tea Party blogger.

Quick refresher: Biotech companies have to get permission from the U.S. Department of Agriculture to plant new genetically-engineered crops. In recent years, groups such as the Center for Food Safety have been gaining traction by filing lawsuits challenging federal approval, thereby stopping some novel crops from being planted when courts agreed that USDA failed to conduct proper environmental oversight.

Enter the biotech rider, an unprecedented end-run around such court decisions. The law—conveniently snuck into the must-pass budget bill—requires USDA to ignore a court order and allow the planting of new genetically engineered crops while the agency conducts further review, after which time it’s likely too late to undo any harm. It would be like the Food and Drug Administration saying to food makers: go ahead and put those potentially dangerous food additives on the market while we keep studying them to see if they make people sick. (OK, we do that too but only because we don’t have laws against it.)

Vermont Pushing To Be First State To Mandate GMO Labeling


Underground Health
May 18, 2013 at 4:16 pm

Vermont seemed more likely than ever to become the first US state to mandate the labeling of genetically modified food (GMO) after a bill passed in the State House, though legislators worry about a lawsuit threat from biotech giant Monsanto.

Similar bills seeking to provide consumers with labels at the grocery store that highlight what products contain GMOs have recently failed. In California, a ballot initiative which bypassed Congress after receiving 850,000 signatures was defeated in 2012 after a large consortium of biotech companies including Monsanto spent some $50 million on an ad blitz against the legislation.

As RT reported in late April, a new federal bill which would mandate the labeling of GMOs, the Genetically Engineered Food Right-to-Know Act, was introduced by Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) and Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-OR). Though few expect such laws to pass on a national level, the bill was notable for its inclusion of a wider base of bipartisan support, with nine Senate co-sponsors and 22 cosponsors in the House.

Other countries already require GMO labeling

Though sixty-four other countries, including EU members, China, Russia, Brazil, India and Japan already have existing regulations in place to label GMOs for consumers the issue is a highly contentious one in the US, both at the federal and state level.

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New Studies Suggest Link Between GMO Foods and Serious Organ Damage


Underground Health

The “buzz” has been growing with regard to a movement against GMO foods. We’re hearing it from all walks of life. From artists, politico activists and capitalist-minded friends (Yes, I said capitalists … they want to eat healthy, too.) Everyone who is exposed to the TRUTH about GMO seeds, crops, and food producers is beginning to organize and gain a voice.

Bottom line: People are concerned about what they eat and they want to ensure they are not feeding themselves and their families poison.

For those of you who don’t know, GMO stands for Genetically Modified Organism. This is an organism whose genetic material has been altered (like in our food sources) to act a certain way in certain conditions. An example is a seed being designed to grow in abnormal conditions such as when TOXIC pesticides are applied to it.

Now more than ever, more people (millions) are concerned with the consequences of eating food that has been genetically modified.

What is this doing to our bodies? Read the rest of this entry

Health Basics: What Are GMOs?


(NaturalNews) Molecular engineers working in laboratories for Monsanto, the giant American biotech company, are gene-splicing vegetable seedlings with poisonous pesticides and herbicides so the plants are inherently protected from the insects and worms that might damage them. The majority of products Americans eat daily contain some form of GMO soy, corn, canola (rapeseed) oil or cotton seed oil. Research shows that consuming the popular herbicide/pesticide Roundup leads to the mutation of cells in the human body, in turn fueling the development of malignant tumors and other various forms of cancer.

In other words, as the plants grow up from the ground, they already contain genes from toxic concoctions, therefore helping corporations and their “cooperating” farmers maximize profits. Some countries are terrified and outraged, knowing there are not sufficient studies on the long term effects from this bio-engineering “guessing game,” and are boycotting American exports of major vegetables, dairy, and meat products for this specific reason, including Germany.

Consider this: What if over half of all the food being sold in grocery stores contained pesticides that you couldn’t taste or smell, with no warnings on the labels, and then you got cancer from eating them after ten years? Or, what if a pregnant mother could get her baby vaccinated in the womb with an insecticide, so that no insects would ever bite the child after it was born? Would anyone be crazy enough to do it, especially if it was FDA approved?
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Monsanto Planting New GM Soybeans in 20 Locations Despite Recent Activism

Monsanto Planting New GM Soybeans in 20 Locations Despite Recent Activism

Alex Pietrowski, Staff
Waking Times

The imperative nature of marching this Saturday, May 25th, in the March Against Monsanto couldn’t ever be more stressed than now, with recent news that Monsanto keeps forging ahead with its repugnant plans to poison us all by planting more altered seeds – yet again. Monsanto and other mega- pharmaceutical companies, with the USDAs complicit agreement to keep them afloat with both tax dollars and federal court shenanigans, are already targeting a crop called the ‘Xtend’ soybean to be planted in more than 20 farms across the United States.

This particular strain of frankenfood is chemically altered so that it can withstand a huge shower of the herbicidal stew containing glyphosate and dicama chemicals. Glyphosate causes cancer. Dicama is a known carcinogen and causes all sorts of health issues.

Additionally, Monsanto is no longer even attempting to maintain the charade that these GM science experiments are tested, and in this case, it appears that Monsanto hasn’t even yet provided the USDA with basic safety studies, although the USDA is approving these crops anyhow.

“U.S.-based Monsanto is setting up 20 field locations around the United States to test and market its “Xtend” soybean product at the same time that company officials said they would be working quickly to provide the U.S. Department of Agriculture with additional study data to show the product’s safety.” [Reuters]